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Tom Way DHMO - The Man Who Sparks Debate On A Web Site About Dangers Of A 'Common Substances' Called Water


The brain behind the controversial website is Dr. Tom Way DHMO.Professor Tom Way of Villanova University runs a website with information for anyone concerned about Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO), also known as water. Water is a life-giving substance in our bodies and in the ecosystem, as we all know. What is the risk associated with this substance?

The Truth About Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO)

The chemical molecule dihydrogen monoxide has sparked concern on a website. The odorless and colorless material comes in liquid, solid, and gaseous forms. Its foundation is the unstable radical hydroxide, which can be found in a variety of caustic, explosive, and toxic substances. Because Styrofoam cups contain the chemical, one city in Orange County, California, proposed banning them.

Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) is possibly the most common of all the substances that can be fatal to humans. Despite this, most individuals are not overly concerned about Dihydrogen Monoxide's hazards. Governments, civic leaders, corporations, military groups, and citizens from all walks of life appear to be either unaware of or dismissive of the reality regarding Dihydrogen Monoxide.

Spreading The Truth About Dihydrogen Monoxide

In 1997, the Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Divisionwas formed and went online to tell people the truth about Dihydrogen Monoxide, which is very dangerous. As the word has spread, people have become more aware of Dihydrogen Monoxide and how it affects the Internet, and how easy it is for people to get information about it. In order to do that, the DMRD's website at DHMO.orgstill has the most complete collection of information about Dihydrogen Monoxide that you can find anywhere else.

Tom Way DHMO

Tom Way presently has no intentions to grow on DHMO.org, according to the Checkplease website, and merely provides occasional updates on media attention. However, he has renewed the domain for another four years and expects DHMO.org to be a relevant satirical commentary on informational literacy (or the lack thereof) for some time.

While there are now several dihydrogen monoxide websites like Google search for "DHMO" yields approximately 59,000 hits, DHMO.org was one of the first, launched in 1997. It is still active today, with translations in 14 languages and a lot of DHMO material. It also includes a detailed disclaimer in a press kit that isn't well-protected.

Tom Way DHMO Credibility

People can put information on the Web even if they don't know what they are talking about. Because of this, the information you find on the Internet may not be correct. This is why. You can tell if the information you found is correct and reliable if you look at it using the criteria below.

  • Authority and Credibility
  • Accuracy and Content
  • Timeliness and Currency
  • Bias and Objectivity.

In terms of credibility, the information should come from someone who is knowledgeable, trained, and has a lot of experience that you can trust and believe in. In this case, notice what Lone Star College concludes about DHMO Website:

"Dihydrogen Monoxide http://www.dhmo.org/. This site is a parody and completely bogus! Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) is water, H20."

Tom Way Biography

Tom Way is an Associate Professor of ComputerScience at Villanova University, where he got his Ph.D. from the University of Delaware. He worked in television and film production in Los Angeles prior to beginning his graduate studies. Compiler optimization, nanocomputer architecture, applied computing, and entertainment technology are all areas of research that he is passionate in.

Dr. Way's research interests span distributed and parallel computing, human-computer interaction, nanotechnology and nanocomputers, and the convergence of the technology and entertainment industries, termed "Entertainment Technology". Dr. Way worked in the television and film industry in Hollywood for ten years prior to pursuing his graduate studies.

A position on the board of directors for a software and Internet services company, freelance software engineering and website consultancy, and Director of Research for the successful science satire website DHMO.org are among his current professional interests. He is a professional magician, writer, actor, filmmaker, and marathon runner with a long list of accomplishments.

Dangers Associated With DHMO

Every year, Dihydrogen Monoxide is linked to thousands of deaths and billions of dollars in property and environmental damage. Dihydrogen Monoxide's known hazards include:

  • Accidental inhalation of DHMO, even in little amounts.
  • Long-term exposure to solid DHMO damages tissue.
  • Excessive consumption has a number of unpleasant but non-life-threatening adverse effects.
  • DHMO contributes to acid rain.
  • DHMO gas causes serious burns.
  • Causes soil erosion.
  • Causes metal corrosion and oxidation.
  • System contamination frequently causes short-circuits.
  • Exposure reduces brake efficacy.

Because it's not always easy to tell if you've had an unintentional DHMO overdose, here are some signs and symptoms to check for. If you think you've had too much Dihydrogen Monoxide, or if you're experiencing any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor. Keep an eye out for the following signs:

  • Sweating excessively
  • Urination that is excessive
  • Feeling bloated
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Deficiency in electrolytes
  • Hyponatremia

Is It True That Using DHMO Improves Athletic Performance

Is it true that DHMO helps athletes perform better? Absolutely! Taking a big amount of DHMO right before a race is a frequent tactic employed by endurance competitors in sports like distance running and cycling. This is well-known in the racing world as a way to significantly boost performance.


The author hopes that this article help you to gain knowledge about the creator of the Dihydrogen Monoxide website. Regardless of whether people perceived tom way DHMO as credible or not, always keep in mind that anything that is too much is dangerous. This is true when we intake dihydrogen monoxide or simply water. If we drink too much we may experience water poisoning or intoxication.

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