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DHMO.Org- Content Veracity Not Implied Website


It has become increasingly difficult to determine whether a website is credible or not. One such example is DHMO.Org, which claims on their website that "Content Veracity Not Implied." DHMO.org is a satirical website that warns us about how a lack of scientific knowledge can lead to belief in completely implausible, unsubstantiated, and harmful claims. Let's go over what DHMO.org is all about and what makes this website untrustworthy.

What Is DHMO Website All About?

W12 101 DHMO.org

The DHMO websitewas created by Thomas Way, Ph.D., a computerscience professor at Villanova University, to demonstrate the importance of information literacy and critical thinking. It's an excellent place to start a class on evaluating healthcare information found on the Internet.

The goal of DHMO.Org is to educate concerned citizens about Dihydrogen Monoxide. The answer to the question "Should I be concerned about dihydrogen monoxide?" is a loud and resounding "Yes". Although the United States Government and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) do not classify Dihydrogen Monoxide as a toxic or carcinogenic substance, DHMO is a constituent of many known toxic substances, diseases and disease-causing

DHMO.Org Content Veracity Not Implied Meaning

The DHMO.Org website is well-designed and appears to be affiliated with the "United States Environmental Assessment Center," with links to reputable organizations such as the NIH, CDC, EPA, and American Cancer Society. There is a link at the bottom of the page to send an email to your congressman, and it was only a few days ago that it was updated. However, there is a small print line that says "Note: content veracity not implied," implying that the site is invalid. The phrase "content veracity not implied" literally means that truthfulness is not used in the information on the website.

Other Aspects Which Makes DHMO.Org A Not Credible Website

Technology nowadays provides every individual with access to web platforms that allow them to present themselves on all sorts of issues around us. One of the most vulnerable areas of the issues that we are facing right now is healthand well-being as this is usually dear to peoples’ hearts. It is easier now to prey on people’s fears about, and concerns for their health. It has thus become imperative that we should learn to verify the information and be keener on content that is presented to us so that we do not rely on inaccurate information.

The website credibility review for DHMO.Org was conducted using the accepted criteria for information resource research and is presented under the following topics: Authority, Accuracy, Audience, Coverage, and Page Quality.


Upon first glance, www.dhmo.org appears to be a collaborative effort with a government agency, the United States Environmental Assessment Center. The site appears to be affiliated with DHMO.org which shares responsibility for the site's content and overall information. On closer inspection, however, it is clear that this is a clever presentation of graphics and information by the site's author, Tom Way. Tom Way appears to have created the DHMO website with the help of a fictitious government agency in order to make the site's message about dihydrogen monoxide appear credible.

Aside from Tom Way, no other name is associated with the information on the site. Rather, the site appears to be soliciting information from concerned citizens in order to be featured. There is no verification process in place to ensure that submitted content is checked for accuracy; in fact, there is a warning "note: content veracity not implied" right above Tom Way's name at the bottom of the homepage.

The only contact information on the website is email addresses – research@dhmo.org, feedback@dhmo.org, and director@dhmo.org – there are no phone numbers or physical addresses that can be used to confirm that the Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Divisionexists in Newark as stated. It is unusual for an organization to provide no contact information, such as a mailing address or phone number.


Examining the credentials of listed sources and subject matter experts is one of the simplest ways to verify the accuracy of presented information. On the DMHO website, no source credentials are cited, and where sources are listed, there is no way to verify the information. For instance, there is a reference to research conducted by US-award-winning scientist Nathan Zoher2, but there is no additional information about his previous works, or even with the award he received. Overall, there is no way to verify the accuracy of the information or the credibility of the researchers listed on the site.


The entire site appears to be geared toward persuading visitors that DHMO is a real and imminent danger that leads to a variety of ailments, including the most lethal cancers. According to the website, all research on DHMO conducted by concerned members of the public has led to the same conclusion: DHMO should be prohibited. Even when the initial research results were contradictory, site revisits always resulted in a shift in people's perceptions. This calls into question the site's objectivity.

Coverage And Quality Of Page

This appears to be a finished website; no information is displayed that would lead a visitor to believe the site is still under construction. There appears to be no print equivalent, or at least no information indicating where one might find one.

Not all of the links work; some take you to pages with information that has nothing to do with DHMO, while others present confusing information. The site as a whole is confusing and has far too much going on.


As a result, this article concludes that there is no real research on DHMO and no links to any valid research. This website was created for entertainment purposes only because the DHMO is simply a scientific term for water, and we all know what water does or does not do to our bodies. Millions of people visit the site today, perhaps more than ever before, as a reminder of the value of education. Let us ensure that the interface, like its message, is presented in a clear and unambiguous manner. Very young students would not be able to read through all of that information, but it is critical that they understand that not everything on the internet is true.

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