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Databases Content Theses - A Vast Source Of Research References To Aid Your Research Study


Are you currently conducting research in the fields of education, medicine, or science? Finding relevant literature and studies to support one's paper is a challenge for all scholars throughout the world. True, reviewing the literature is a crucial aspect of everyday research for scholars.

They locate relevant research, study and assimilate the primary findings, summarize across articles, and draw general conclusions about the evidence base. However, It can be challenging to manage the amount of literature that has been accessed. That's why this article will talk about a wide range of databases that can help you find a lot of research references to aid your research study.

Explore Various Research Database


WorldCat gives you access to the collections and services of over 10,000 libraries all over the world. It will help you to check out some books, music, and videos. Find scholarly articles and digital products (such as audiobooks) that you may see or download right away. Link to your library's "Ask a Librarian" and other services. Contribute factual information about an item or write a review for it.


OAIster is a massive database of open access materials that contains millions of records. The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting was used to acquire data from open access collections all across the world for this catalog. OAIster now contains over 50 million entries representing digital resources from over 2,000 authors.


More than five million descriptions of archival materials are in ArchiveGrid, which includes MARC records from WorldCat and finding aids found on the web. It has archives from libraries, museums, historical societies, and archives from all over the world.


MEDLINE is a database of information about the life sciences and medicine. It has bibliographic information for articles from academic journals that cover medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and healthcare, among other things.

OCLC WorldCat Dissertations And Theses

This database gives you quick and easy access to all of the dissertations and theses that are in libraries that belong to OCLC. Many theses can be found online for free from the publishing institution. There are OCLC members who catalog all of the dissertations, theses, and published material that is based on theses that they have.

OCLC Proceedings First

An OCLC index of conference proceedings from all over the world. A list of all of the published congresses and symposiums, conferences, expositions, workshops, and meetings that the British Library Document Supply Center has received. Each record has a list of the papers that were given at each conference.

OCLC Article First

A list of articles from the contents pages of journals is kept by OCLC. Items that appear on the table of contents pages of journals are also included. Each record describes one piece of news, a letter, or something else from a journal that came from that journal in that record. The site gives you a list of libraries that have the journal-title for most of the items.


Index of Latin American science and humanities journals. CLASE indexes articles from Latin American social science and humanities journals. PERIDICA covers science and technology journals. Provide access to over 600,000 bibliographic citations from 2,600 scholarly journals in Spanish, Portuguese, French, and English. Compiles research findings from articles published in 24 Latin American and Caribbean countries as well as publications focusing on Pan-American issues.

OCLC Electronic Collections Online A&I

A collection of intellectual journals maintained by the OCLC. It includes all of the original information as well as photographs from the various articles. All journals' bibliographic information is included in this section. The ability to browse abstracts and full-text articles from publications that your library or institution subscribes to is provided.

Library, Information Science And Technology Abstracts (LISTA)

LISTA (Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts) is a free library and information science research database. LISTA indexes and abstracts hundreds of important journals, books, and research papers. It is EBSCO's desire to make this material available on a continuous basis. There are 239 journals in LISTA that include searchable cited references.

What Is An Index Or Abstract

An abstract is a concise overview of a document, whereas an index serves as a navigational aid to that material.

Importance Of Indexing And Abstracting In Libraries

Indexing and abstracting make it easier for users to find and retrieve relevant documents from large collections of documents and information. Using both procedures, information specialists are able to give advanced arrangements of information carriers in a library, documentation center, or information center.

Periodical Index

In a periodical index, a topical, author, and keyword index to a specified list of magazines is provided; it is the key to locating articles on a specific topic in a given periodical. If the index additionally contains a summary of the contents of the article, this is referred to as an abstract.


In this article, the author demonstrates that there are several distinct sorts of databases that we can use to support our work. Each database comprises a large number of research studies that have been conducted as well as a large number of sources of information that are relevant to our topic.

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